Thursdays, 6:30-8:30pm ET on live video
May 18, 25
June 1, 8, 15, 22
12 hours of live video instruction and practice with judy (CEUs available)
Six 30-minute audio practice sessions, led by judy
We will study
- the meaning of the phrase Psychic Development
- the history of psychic development
- the many “bodies” that exist in our sovereignty
- Mindfulness as the fertile soil for growth and ascension
- the central channel of light that connects us to Mother Earth and Father Sky
- how to meet strong emotions through an increased awareness of our energy body
- how to connect and stay connected to the inner guru
- the remarkable mystery of the Pineal Gland, the regulator of light
- the origins of the Great Invocation, the Divine Light Invocation, and how these prayers continue to serve our evolution
- easeful breathing practices that shift us into deep awareness
Tuition Nonrefundable after May 16
No prerequisites required